AKTUELT / Pressemeldinger

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5. april 2005

Om Teaternett
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Uredigert pressemelding fra Haugesund Teater

Shakespeare-workshop på Haugesund Teater

Haugesund Teater inviterer til Shakespeare-workshop 22. – 24. april. Workshop-leder er britiske Sheila Alan, kjent som ledende skuespiller ved The Royal Shakespeare Company. Kanskje så du henne som Colin Firths mor i filmen Love Actually. Du vil også få sjansen til å se henne i neste Harry Potter film, men først får du altså mulighet til å høste av hennes erfaring i Haugesund.

I forbindelse med workshoppen vil Sheila Alan også vise sitt one woman show To My Man av Louis Muinzer – basert på den norske Dagbok til en død av Finn Carling.

Mer informasjon om workshoppen og Sheila Alan følger under.

Praktisk informasjon:


Fredag 22.april 18.00 – 20.00 

Lørdag 23.april 10.00 – 14.00  (Forestilling klokken 20.00)

Søndag 24.april 10.00 – 13.00


Kun workshop:

Kr. 1.000,- (inkludert billett til forestillingen To My Man).

Workshop og hotell (fredag til søndag):

Kr. 1.600,- per person i dobbeltrom.

Kr. 1.900,- per person i enkeltrom. 


Vennligst kontakt sekretær Kirsti Gullhaugen Svelland på telefon 52 74 37 20 eller e-post: post@haugesund-teater.no.

Utfyllende informasjon:


TO THE MODERN ACTOR Shakespeare can seem to be a difficult mystery because of the style of his writing.

But this is not so.  The style of the writing is easy to understand if you really look and stop the panic and think!

When I was a leading actress for the Royal Shakespeare Theatre for over nine years, of course I met and worked with John Barton.

Since graduating form the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art, I had already found the pleasure and delight in acting in a Shakespeare play in other companies. It was John who opened my eyes as to how easy it is to perform.  Since when I have travelled to many countries and added my own inspiration and collected knowledge to develop what he showed to me.

Over our workshop three days we will use ’hands on’ practice to prove to each other and ourselves the fun that lies within.

Everyone must bring a sonnet of Shakespeare’s, which they have learnt, and translated, into their own words.  The translation, whether made from or with English or Norwegian must be written down and handed to me when we meet.  This makes the actor really think about that he is saying and the person to whom he is talking.  Specificity, as I am sure you are aware, is the clue to all acting.  Then all we have to do is to match Shakespeare’s particular style of writing to what you understand, and ”Hey, Presto!”

In any case the Norwegian people have such a gift for language and speak English so well I hope that we can work together in English.  However, if you are nervous of your ability, don’t worry.  You have excellent translations made by your own poets.  The translation I saw at Haugesund in the productions of ”Twelfth Night” was so good, that I know we will be able to make progress easily.

We shall start with sonnet work to understand the structure of the writer, and then move to scenes or speeches.
Come and enjoy.


Sheila trained at the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art, (RADA).  Later as a mature student she studied for the MA., at King’s College London.

She has been lucky in her career to move between modern plays both in the theatre and on the television and other classical drama, and film.  Recently she appeared as the mother of Colin Firth in the Richard Curtis’ film “Love Actually”, and is proud to be seen as a member of the Ministry of Witches and Wizards in the forthcoming Harry Potter story of !The Goblet of Fire”.

For Shakespeare some of the parts she has played in the UK are Lady Macbeth, Kate in the Tamin of the Shrew, Beatrice in Much Ado about Nothing, Concril in King Lear, The Queen in Cymberline, Gertryud in Hamlet.  In the USA, Paulina in The Winter’s Tale, Titania in A Midsummer Nights Dream, and Volumnia in Coriolanus.

She now lives mainly in London and enjoys visiting her two sons Joseph and Jesse in the USA.  She was married for many years to leading stage and film director Davis Jones who lives in New York.

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