Skien International Ibsen
Conference 2012 takes place at Teater Ibsen, Skien, on the 10th and 11th of September.
September 10
Presentation of the winner of the International Ibsen Award 2012 Heiner Goebbels
September 11
Staging Ibsen: National institutions and theatres responsibilities in current times
September 10th:
The winner of the International Ibsen Award, Heiner Goebbels, will give a speech during
the first day of the conference. Contributions will also be made by Hans-Thies Lehmann,
André Wilms, Tore Vagn Lid and Florence de Gerken.
September 11th:
During the 2nd day of the conference the winners of Ibsen Scholarships 2012 will present
their winning projects, Teater Ibsen's John Gabriel Borkman is performed on stage and the
topic of the debate is "Staging Ibsen: National institutions and theatres
responsibilities in current times. Argument introductions by Kjersti Horn, Anders Paulin,
Eirik Stubø and Anders T. Andersen. The panel discussion is lead by Kai Johnsen.
On the evening of September 10th the Ibsen Scholarships and the Norwegian Ibsen Award will
be handed out during an Award Ceremony.
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